I finalen for dame Kumite +59 kg sto to av favorittene i kategorien for å møte hverandre i kampen om gull. Norges Annika Sælid tok tittelen etter seier over Japans Sakura Sawashima 3-0. Den 17 års gamle karateka tok tre «Yuko» i en avsluttende, emosjonell og rørende avslutning. Her er hva hun sa til pressen:
“I worked so hard to be here and to do what I do best that I feel very great for being able to win a medal. I wasn’t sure of my chances here but I got to the semi-finals, and then to the final and then I won gold!» said Annika Saelid.
«It means so much to me because my brother got diagnosed with cancer just before I came here, so I wanted to this for him. This is an incredible moment to me, there are no words to explain it,” added the young karateka.
For ytterligere detaljer klikk på linkene nedenfor:
Bilder dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5uqh0vppie1kqz2/AACSpo-vVvV_ hoY7rbzbLF7Sa?dl=0
Bildeslides dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/nypun9q5epclswa/Animotica% 20Annika%20bilder%20video.mp4? dl=0 Nordic karate federation. http://www.nordickarate.net/9-news/113-annika-saelid- olympic-gold.html Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad https://www.sa.no/sport/karate/annika-salid/annika- salid-vant-ungdoms-ol/s/5-46- 586156